Free Transcript Project : #4

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Title :  The Byte Show
Episode : “Alchemy and the Modern World” with Joseph P. Farrell
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Host : GeorgeAnn Hughes
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Joseph P. Farrell
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GeorgeAnn Hughes : This is our first recording concerning that book. For those who might be listening, but don’t understand what alchemy is. What is alchemy?

Joseph Farrell : Well, alchemy is one of the branches of what we can call the “esoteric arts” or, if you prefer, the “esoteric crafts”. It is a very, very old craft. It dates back to – depending on who you study and who you consult with – it dates back to ancient Egypt and/or ancient China. Oddly enough, both civilizations were deeply steeped in various alchemical traditions. It’s interesting that if you go back to Egypt, the ancient Egyptian name for Egypt is “Al Chem” – from which we get our word Alchemy. So, in other words, there is a clear, ancient provenance to this science. And I am going to call it a science rather than a pseudo-science, for reasons that will become clear as we proceed.

Alchemy has as its goal, as its principle motivation, to take the “materia prima” – the “prime matter” – out of, or down from, heaven – so to speak – and embody it in what’s called “The Philosopher’s Stone”, in a material, earthly form. The goal of that operation, then, is to be able in chemical parlance to transmute base metals, such as : tin, lead or nickel – or something like that – into gold. In other words, a literal transformation of one element into the other. Now that’s the meaning of the “Philosopher’s Stone” in its most basic, prosaic sense. That is the goal of alchemy in its most basic, prosaic sense.

When you study alchemical texts, the thing that you will immediately notice – and I’m sure you have, because I know that you’ve read a lot of them yourself – is that these texts are very, very carefully phrased so they can bear a multitude of meanings. We’ve discussed in the “Cosmic War” series my idea that many of these ancient texts are, in fact, deliberately constructed in this fashion so that several layers of meaning are all possible and plausible. And that these texts are deliberately meant to convey several meanings. So, if we go beyond the prosaic meaning of the Philosopher’s Stone let’s look at what they’re actually saying. I get into this in the “Philosopher’s Stone”, in the book by that name. The first two chapters are actually devoted to a discussion of the subject. If you look at the “Materia Prima” – the “prime matter” – the way that alchemy views it is, in fact, very contemporary. It is earily similar to certain models of the physical medium which you would find in modern physics, because the “Materia Prima” – the prime matter – in alchemy is a transmutating medium itself. This is why it’s able to effect the transmutation of base metals into gold, because in alchemical thinking all matter comes ultimately from this Materia Prima. In other words, it’s the Prime Matter itself which is the ultimate philosopher’s stone. It is the matter before matter – so to speak.

In the process of diversifying itself then all creation emerges. Of course, this is a very, ancient Egyptian way of looking at the whole process of creation itself. Now if we look at this Prime Matter from the point of view of a modern physicist, because it exists prior to any differentiation – that means it has absolutely no distinguishing features within it. It is a literal nothing. A literal, physical nothing. Because there cannot be any observation of anything in it, all right? It’s once distinction begins to emerge that you begin to have physical something. So, in other words, alchemy – in a certain sense – even is talking about a creation ex nihilo. But it’s not a nothing in terms of a void. It’s a nothing that is a something, but the something doesn’t have any distinguishing characteristics. [laughter]. That’s a tongue-twister.

Georganne : It’s kind of confusing.

Joseph : It’s kind of confusing, but if you stop and think about it it make sense. It’s a nothing that is a something, without any distinguishing characteristics. It’s not a zero. It’s not a mere void. It’s a different kind of nothingness. It’s the kind of nothingness that you would think of in connection to eastern religions – like Mahayana Buddhism and certain features of Hinduism – and so on and so forth. But anyway, it is a transmutating medium. In other words, the very idea of the Materia Prima in alchemy creates information in the field, and that is a very modern physics concept. In fact, the Russian physicists during the Soviet era were the first physicists to start thinking along these lines and writing openly about it. So it is a very modern idea. So alchemy in that sense is dealing with a science – as it were, a craft – to manipulate the fabric of space-time, which is what we’ve been talking about all along. [laughter] All of these different interviews that we’ve been having over the past three years. So in other words, this is another aspect of this whole story.

Now let’s look at a third layer of alchemy. There is a third meaning of the Philosopher’s Stone, and this idea of transmuting base metals into gold. Because in some alchemical texts, that idea of transmutation of base metals into gold is a metaphor for the transmutation – or the elevation – of the human being himself. The idea that the human consciousness is transmuted from a base condition – represented by the base metals – into an elevated, or illuminated, consciousness that is illuminated precisely by a deep connection to that material prime matter, all right?

GeorgeAnn : Mmmhmm.

Joseph : So in that sense, alchemy is a science, or craft, of social engineering. Now let’s look carefully – this is a very important point. Let’s look carefully at what we have – at what alchemy is actually saying – and has been saying for almost two to three millenia. If you look at what it’s saying, it’s telling you two very important things. Number one, it is the science of the deep manipulation of the physical medium directly. Because of that it is also a manipulation of the actual physical, material creation in which we live and move and have our being – to use the words of Paul.

But it is also telling you a second thing, that it is a deep, deep science of the manipulation of human consciousness – of social engineering of human society. The connection is it’s telling you that both of these things are coming out of a particular physics – a particular view of the physical medium itself. In other words, it’s telling you that the science of creation – or tinkering with the civilization – is coming out of one and the same science that is manipulating the physical medium itself. So, in other words, we’re back to that idea that I’ve been outlining in all of my books and in some of these discussions that you and I have had.

We’re back to that idea that idea that in very, very ancient times there was a tremendously unified science. We’ve discussed in “Babylon’s Banksters” how there is a deep, deep unification between physics and finance, and the two types of physics and financial systems. Well, all I’m saying now is, “Let’s go deeper.” and the idea of a financial system being either an open or closed system reflects itself in the financial policies of a particular given state – and how it organizes those policies. Does it create money debt-free, – as a direct instrument of the state?  Or does it turn to a financial monoopoly – a private monopoly – to issue monetized debt, which is a closed system. What I now proposing is that we are going deeper – that the financial system is but one aspect of a much deeper science of social engineering. If you will, a magical working that influences the way that societies are organized and how they think. In that respect then, alchemy is the key, because it’s telling you that there is a deep connection between a consciousness – a cultural consciousness, an ethos – of a given culture or civilization, and the type of physics that it adopts. It’s telling you that you can have an “open system physics”, where you have a transmutative medium that can literally create information – that you have a physics that is capable of the direct manipulation of that medium, on the one hand. It’s telling you, on the other, that the same techniques – the same science – can be used to transmute humanity itself – to transmute the consciousness, to engineer the human being. Now this is a crucially, vitally important point, because I believe it was sometimes around the middle of our “Cosmic War” series that there is a deep, deep connection between this type of physics of the medium and consciousness itself. That is precisely what alchemy is telling you. Because in text after text after text it will tell you that you cannot undertake the work – the philosophical work – which means to make the Philosopher’s Stone into actual material embodiment. You cannot undertake that work without the alchemist himself – without the operator himself – undergoing his own transmutation. In other words, his own consciousness has a role in the preparation of the Philosopher’s Stone.

Is this all making sense?

GeorgeAnn : Yes.

Joseph : Okay. [laughter]. I’m glad. You sprang that on me out of nowhere.


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